Sultan Osman II (Genc Osman)- URS 9 Rajab
Genç Osman (“Osman the Young” ), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1618 until his death on 9 Rajab 1031 (20 May 1622).

Early Life
Osman II was born at Topkapı Palace, Istanbul, the son of Sultan Ahmed I (1603–17) and one of his consorts Mahfiruz Hatun. According to later traditions, at a young age, his mother had paid a great deal of attention to Osman’s education, as a result of which Osman II became a known poet and would have mastered many languages, including Arabic, Persian, Greek, Latin, and Italian.
Osman’s failure to capture the throne at the death of his father Sultan Ahmed I may have been caused by the absence of a mother to lobby in his favour; his own mother may have died or in exile.
Osman II ascended the throne at the age of 14 as the result of a coup against his uncle Mustafa I “the Intestable” (1617–18, 1622–23). Despite his youth, Osman II soon sought to assert himself as a ruler, and after securing the empire’s eastern border by signing a peace treaty (Treaty of Serav) with Safavid Persia, he personally led the Ottoman invasion of Poland during the Moldavian Magnate Wars. Forced to sign a peace treaty with the Poles after the Battle of Chotin (Chocim) ( a siege of Chotin defended by the Lithuanian–Polish hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz) in September–October, 1621, Osman II returned home to Constantinople.

Osman II suffered from support of a female power in the harem. From 1620 until Osman’s death, a governess (daye hatun, lit. wet-nurse) was appointed as a stand-in valide, and she could not counterbalance the contriving of Mustafa I’s mother in the Old Palace. Although Osman II did have a loyal chief black eunuch at his side, this could not compensate for the absence of what, in the politics of that period, was a winning combination, valide sultan–chief black eunuch, especially in the case of a young and very ambitious ruler. According to Piterberg, Osman II did not have haseki sultan, opposite with Peirce who claim that Ayşe was Osman’s haseki. But it is clear that Ayşe could not take valide’s role during her spouse’s reign.

Death of Sultan Osman II
Seeking a counterweight to Janissary influence, Osman II closed their coffee shops (the gathering points for conspiracies against the throne) and started planning to create a new and more loyal army consisting of Anatolian sekbans. The result was a palace uprising by the Janissaries, who promptly imprisoned the young sultan in Yedikule Fortress in Istanbul, where Osman II was strangled to death.
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