Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi 2024

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi


The account of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhum, is as follows:

”  Shaykh Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Arabi  (Rahma Alayhi) of Spain had no children; at the instruction of a Mujzub Wali (Rahma Alayhi) he approached Hazrat Ghauz-E-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (Rahma Alayhi) for his blessings and prayers for a son. Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (Rahma Alayhi) said I have one more son yet unborn in my destiny; I give this son to you. Rub your back against mine and name him when born Muhammad Muhyiddin. He will rise up to be a Qutb of his time.

The child was eventually born and was named accordingly. He became a great philosopher and attained high spiritual advancement. He gained the title of Shaykh al-Akbar and is commonly known as Ibn al-Arabi. Shaykh al-Akbar Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi (Rahma Alayhi) is Buried in Damascus (Syria) and  Ghaus E Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (Rahma Alayhi) is Buried in Baghdad (Iraq).  “


Another account:

Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi’s (Rahma Alayhi) father, Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Arabi (RA), went to Baghdad. At an advanced age, his dearest wish was to leave a son in his place when he passed away. He went to see the great Sheikh Abdul-Qadir Jilani (Rahma Alayhi) and asked him to pray for Almighty Allah to give him the gift of a son. The Master secluded himself and went into deep contemplation. On his return, he informed Ali ibn Muhammad, “I have looked into the world of secrets and it has been revealed to me that you will have no descendants. Do not tire yourself out trying.” Although disappointed, the old man would not give up. He begged and insisted: “0 Saint, almighty Allah will certainly grant your prayers. I ask you to intervene in this matter for me.”

Sheikh Abdul-Qadir Jilani (Rahma Alayhi) once again withdrew and fell into deep contemplation. After a while he came back and said that although Ali ibn Muhammad was not destined to have a descendant, the saint himself was. Would the old man like to have the Saint’s future son? His visitor gladly accepted. The two men stood back to back, their arms interlocked.

Ali ibn Muhammad later recounted this incident:

“When I was back to back with the saint Abdul-Qadir Jilani (Rahma Alayhi), I felt something warm running down from my neck to the small of my back. After a while a son was born to me, and I named him Muhyiddin, as Abdul-Qadir Jilani (Rahma Alayhi) had ordered.”

Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi’s full name was Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Muhammad al-Hatimi al-Tai al-Andalusi. He has been given many titles: al-shaykh al-akbar [the Greatest Shaykh]; khatim al-awliya al-Muhammadi [the Seal of the Saints of Muhammad]; al-shaykh al-azam [the Exalted Shaykh]; qutb al-arifin [Axis of True Knowledge]; imam ul-munahiyuddin [Religious Leader of the Converts]; rahbar ul-alam [Guide of the World]; and many more.

On his great learning, Shamsuddin ibn Abu-Bakr al-Jawziya [1295-1356], a theologian and follower of Ibn Taymiyya, has commented, “Ibn Arabi was well versed in alchemy, and knew the secret of the Greatest Name of God, which is hidden in the Koran.” Shaykh Saduddin Hamawi [1191 or 98-1252 or 60] said, “Muhyiddin is an ocean of knowledge which has no shores.” Shaykh Saduddin Hamawi (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the 12 inheritors of the great Shaikh Najmuddin Kubra (may Allah be pleased with him), and a famous Sufi of his time. Sadruddin Qunyawi, the disciple of Ibn Arabi, attended his gatherings as a young man.

Sheikh Muhyiddin RA was born in the city of Murcia, Spain. This was in the  Islamic province of Andalusia. Ibn Arabi RA was born on Monday, the 17th of the holy month of Ramadan, in the year 560 A.H. (July 28, 1165), His father was a Sufi and renowned and respected. [Source: Journey to the Lord of Power – introduced by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi].

Journey to the Lord of Power, known most widely in Arabic under the title Risalat-ul-anwar fima yummah sahib al-khalwa min al-asrar [“Treatise on the Lights in the Secrets Granted One Who Undertakes Retreat”] by Muhiyiddin Ibn al-Arabi [1165-1240], was originally edited in 1204/1205 in Konya, Turkey. About the commentary, al-Isfar an risalat-ul anwar fima yatajalla li ahl il-dhikr min al-asrar [“Unveiling of ‘Treatise on the Secrets Revealed to the People of Dhikr’”] by Sayyid Abdul Karim Jili [1365-1408] (may Allah be pleased with him), little information is available.

Many stories of Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi’s (may Allah be pleased with him) have come down to us, but, much less, however is known of Sayyid Abdul-Karim Jili. This highly respected man, who died between 1408 and 1417, was also a Sheikh, a descendant of the great Sayyiduna Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rahma Alayhi). He was the foremost systematizer and one of the greatest exponents of the work of Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi’s (may Allah be pleased with him). His book al-Insan ak-kamil [the Perfect Man], and explanation of Sheikh al-Akbar’s teachings on the structure of reality and human perfection, is held to be one of the masterpieces of Sufi literature in its own right.

Bir hurmati Habib bir hurmati Anzalta Surat al-Fatiha for both beautiful Saints!


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