Night of Miraj – Prayers for 27th Rajab -Maulana Sheikh Nazim (QS) & Grandsheikh Abdullah ad-Dagestani (QS)

Prayers for Night of Miraj – Maulana Sheikh Nazim (KS) & Grandsheikh Abdullah ad-Dagestani (KS) – 27th Rajab 26th January 2025


Auzu Billahi Minash Shaytan Nirrajim, Bismillah Irahma Nirrahim.

Maulana Sheikh Nazim ar-Rabbani (KS) said the Adab of Laylatul Miraj on 27th Rajab (26th January 2025 Inshallah):

12 Rakaah (prayed in 2 Rakaahs) prayed between Maghrib and Isha prayers:
1st Fatiha and 3 x Surah Al-Kafirun
2nd Fatiha and 3 x Surah Ikhlas
Then 70 x Astaghfar and Dua
Taqabbal Alllah


20 Rakaahs (prayed in 2 or 4 at a time), reading 20 Surah Ikhlas Sharif in each Rakah
After 20th Rakah, read 100 Astaghfirullah out loud.
Then, 100 Salawat Sharif out loud.


30 Rakaahs as advised to Salman al-Farsi (RA)


100 Rakaah (prayed in 2 Rakah) with 10 Surah Ikhlas in each Rakaah.

To observe the fast on the day before/on 27th Rajab and to pray Salatul Tasabih is also recommended.

On the night preceding the 27th day of Rajab (Laylat al-Isra’ wa’l-Miraj), considered by many to be the night in which the Prophet salla was invited to the Divine Presence, observe the following:

NIYYAT: Nawaytu ’l-arbāin, nawaytu’l-itikāf, nawaytu’l-khalwa, nawaytul-uzla, nawaytu’r-riyāda, nawaytu’s-sulūk, lillāhi taala fī hādhā ’l-masjid (or fī hādha aljāmi).

[INTENTION: I intend the forty (days of seclusion); I intend seclusion in the mosque; I intend seclusion; I intend isolation; I intend discipline (of the ego); I intend to travel in God’s Path; I intend to fast for the sake of God in this mosque.]







Allāhumma balligh thawāba mā qarā’nāhū wa nūra mā talawnāhū hadīyyatan wāšilatan minnā ila rūħi Nabīyyīnā Sayyidinā wa Mawlānā Muħammadin šalla-llāhū alayhi wa sallam. Wa ilā arwāhi ikhwānihi min al-anbiyā’i wa ’l mursalīn wa khudamā’i sharā ihim wa ila arwāħi ’l-a’immati ’l-arbaah wa ila arwāħi mashāyikhinā fi ’ţ-Tarīqati ’n-naqshbandīyyati ’l-aliyyah Khāššatan ila rūħi Imāmi ’ţ-Tarīqati wa Ghawthi ’l Khalīqati Khwājā Bahā’uddīn an-Naqshband Muhammad al-Uwaisī ’l-Bukhārī wa hazrati Mawlanā Sulţānu ’l-awlīyā ash-Shaykh Abd Allāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghestanī wa Sayyidunā ash Shaykh Muħammad Nazim al-Haqqāni ar-Rabbani Mu’ayyad ad-dīn wa Shaykh Muhammad Adil al-Qubrusi wa Sa’iri sādātinā waš- šiddiqina al-Fātihā.



The Grand Transmitted Supplication From Sulţan al-Awliya, Mawlana ash Shaykh Abd-Allah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (KS), may God sanctify his secret.

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm. Allāhumma šalli alā Muħammadin anNabī il-mukhtār adada man šalla alayhi min al-akhyār, wa adada man lam yušalli alayhi min al-ashrār, wa adada qaţarāti ’l-amţār, wa adada amwāji ’l-biħār, wa adada ’r-rimāli wa ’l-qifār, wa adada awrāqi ’l-ashjār, wa adada anfāsi ’l-mustaghfirīna bi ’lashār, wa adada akmāmi ’l-athmār, wa adada mā kāna wa mā yakūnu ila yawmi ’l-ħashri wa ’l-qarār, wa šalli alayhi mā taāqabu ’l-laylu wa ’nnahāru wa šalli alayhi mā ’khtalafu ’lmalawān wa taāqabu ’l-asrān wa karrara ’l-jadīdān wa ’staqbal alfarqadān, wa balligh rūħahu wa arwāhi āhli baytihi minnā taħīyyatan wattaslīm wa alā jamīi ’l-anbīyā’i wa ’lmursalīn wa ’l-hamdu lillāhi Rabbi ’l- alamīn

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. God, bless Muħammad, the Chosen Prophet on the number of those who pray on him among the righteous and on the number of those who did not pray on him among the wicked; and on the number of the drops of the rain and on the number of waves of the oceans and on the number of the grains of sand and the wastelands, on the number of the leaves of the trees and on the number of the breaths of those who seek Your forgiveness by morning and on the number of the rinds of fruit and on the number of what was and what is until the Day of Gathering and Verdict. And Bless him (O God), as the turning of nights and days and bless him as long as the colors alternate and with the changing of time, and with the return of things renewed and with the constancy of diversity. And convey from us to his soul and the soul of his family, greetings and salutations and on all the prophets and messengers. And all Praise is due to God.

Allāhumma šalli alā Muhammad wa alā āli Muħammadin bi adadi kulli dharratin alfa alfa marrah. Allāhumma šalli alā Muħammadin wa alā āli Muħammadin wa šaħbihi wa sallim. Subūħun quddūsun rabbunā wa rabbu ’l-malā ikati wa ’r-Rūħ, Rabbighfir wa ’rħam wa tawājaz amma talamuinnaka Anta ’l-Aazzu ’l-Akram.

O God bless Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad of the number of the atom a thousand times over. O God bless Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad and His Companions and grant them peace. Glory and Holiness belongs to our Lord, Lord of the angels and the Holy Spirit. O our Lord forgive and have mercy and pardon of what You know (best), for You are surely the Most Mighty, Most Honorable.

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm. Allāhumma innī astaghfiruka min kulli mā tubtu anhu ilayka thumma udtu fīhi. Wa astaghfiruka min kulli mā āradtu bihi wajhaka fakhālaţani fīhi la laysa fīhi raļāuk. Wa astaghfiruka li ’nni¿am ’illatī taqawwaytu bihā alā mašīyatik. Wa astaghfiruka min adhdhunūb ’illati lā yalamuhā ghayruka, wa lā yaţaliu alayhā aħadun siwāk wa lā tasa¿ūhā illa raħmatika, wa lā tunjī minhā illa maghfiratuka wa ħilmuka. Lā ilāha illa Anta subħānaka innī kuntu min az-zālimīn.

In the name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful O Allah, I ask forgiveness of You for everything for which I repented to You then returned to. And I ask forgiveness of You for everything I displeased You with and all that concerns me with which You are displeased. And I ask forgiveness of You for the favors which I used for increasing my disobedience towards You. And I ask forgiveness of You for the sins which no one knows except You and no one sees except You and nothing encompasses except Your Mercy and nothing delivers from except Your forgiveness and clemency. There is no god except You alone. Glory be to You! Indeed I was an oppressor to myself.

Allāhumma innī astaghfiruka min kulli zulmin zalamtu bihi ībāduka fa ayyamā abdan min ibādika aw ’amatin min imā’ika zalamtu fī badanihi aw irdhihi aw mālihi f’āţihi min khazāinak ’illati lā tanquš, wa as aluka an tukrimanī bi raħmatik ’illati wasiat kulla shay’in wa lā tuhīnanī bi adhābika wa tuţīanī mā as aluka fa innī ħaqīqun bi-raħmatika ya Arħam ar-rāħimīn. Wa šalla-Allāhu alā sayyidinā Muħammadin wa ālihi wa šāħbihi ajmāīn wa lā ħawla wa lā quwwata illa billāhi ’l-Aliyyi ’l-Azīm.

O God, I ask forgiveness of You for the injustice I committed against Your servants. Whatever of Your male or female servants whom I have hurt, physically or in their dignity or in their property give them of Your bounty which lacks nothing. And I ask You to honor me with Your mercy which encompasses all things. Do not humble me with Your punishment but give me what I ask of You, for I am in great need of Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful. May God send blessings upon Muhammad and upon all his companions. And there is no power and no might except in God the Most High, the Exalted.

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm. Bismillāhi ’n-Nūr, nūrun alā nūr, alhamdulillāhi ’lladhī khalaq assamawāti wa ’l-arļ wa ja¿ala az- zulumāti wa ’n-nūr wa anzala attawrāta alā jabali ’ţ-Ţūri fī kitābin masţūr. Wa ’l-hamdulillāhi ’lladhī hūwa bilGhanī madhkūr wa bi ’l-izzi wa ’l-Jalāl mashhūr, w’ alhamdulillāhi ’lladhī khalaq as-samāwāti wa ’l-arļ wa jaala ’z-zulumāti wa ’n-nūr thumma ’lladhīna kafarū bi-rabbihim yadilūn. Kāf, Hā, Ayn, Sād. Hā, Mīm, Ayn, Sīn, Qāf. Īyāka nabudu wa Īyāka nastaīn. Yā Hayyu Yā Qayyūm. Allāhu laţīfun bi ibādihi yarzuqū man yashā’u wa Hūwa ’l-Qawiyyu ’l-Azīz. Yā Kāfī kulla shay’in ikfinī wašrif anī kulla shay’in innaka Qādirun alā kulli shay’in biyadik al-khayr innaka alā kulli shay’in Qadīr.

In the name of God, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful. In the name of God, the Source of Light, Light upon Light. All praise is due to God who hath created the heavens and the earth. He created the darkness and the light and hath revealed the Torah on Mount Tūr in a Composed Book. All praise is due to God who created the heavens and the earth and created the darkness and the light. “Yet those who reject Faith hold (others) as equal, with their Guardian-Lord.” (6:1) Kāf, Hā, ¿Ayn, Šād. Hā, Mīm, Sīn, Qāf. “You alone do we worship and You alone do ask for help.” (1:4) O Ever-Living One, O Self-subsisting One. “Gracious is Allah to His servants: He gives Sustenance to whom He pleases: and He has power and can carry out His Will.” (42:19) O Giver of all, provide me and turn from me everything that harms me. Surely You are capable over all things. In Your hands is all good and You have power over all things.

Allāhumma ya Kathīr an-nawāli wa yā Dāim al-wišāli wa yā Husna ’l-fiāli wa yā Razzāq al-ibādi alā kulli ħāl. Allāhumma in dakhala ash-shaku fī īmānī bika wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muħammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if doubt has entered my belief in You, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma in dakhal ash-shakka wa ’lkufr fī tawħīdī īyāka wa lam ā¿alam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muhammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if doubt and disbelief entered my affirmation of Your Oneness, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma in dakhala ash-shubhata fī marifati īyāka wa lam ā¿alam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muhammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if doubt enters my realization of You, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God

Allāhumma in dakhal al-ujb wa ’r-riyā’ wa ’l-kibrīyā wa ’s-sumatu fī ilmī wa lam ā¿alam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuħammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if vanity, affected piety, arrogance and infamy affected me and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma in jara ’l-kadhiba alā lisānī wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuhammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if lies run upon my tongue, of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma in dakhala an-nifāq fī qalbī min adh-dhunūbi ’s-saghā’iri wa ’lkabā’iri wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muħammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if hypocrisy entered my heart from the minor and major sins, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā asdayta ilayya min khayrin wa lam ashkuruka wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuħammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O Allāh, from what You have granted me of all that is good and for which I had not thanked You, and I was unaware of it, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā qadarta lī min amrin wa lam arļāhu wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muħammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, whatever You have destined for me in matters which I did not accept, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā anamta alayya min nimatin fa-ašaytuka wa ghafaltu an shukrika wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muhammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, from what You had conferred upon me of bounty for which I neglected to thank You, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā mananta bihi alayya min khayrin fa lam āhmaduka alayhi wa lam ā¿alam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuhammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, whatever You have bestowed on me of goodness and I did not praise You for it, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma ma ļayyatu min umrī wa lam tarļa bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuħammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, whatever I have wasted from my allotted lifetime which You were not pleased, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma bimā awjabta alayya min al-nazari min mašnū ātika fa-ghafaltu anhu wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muħammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, of what You have imposed upon me in the observation of the creation of Your design and of which I was heedless, and I was unaware of it, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā qašartu anhu āmālī fī rajāika wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muħammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, from whatever fell short of my hope in my turning to You, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mātamadtu alā ahadin siwāka fī ’sh-shadā’idi wa lam āalamu bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha illAllāh Muhammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, from placing dependence on other than You in the face of calamities, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muhammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā astanatu li-ghayrika fi’sh-shadā’idi wa ’n-nawā’ibi wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuħammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, in what I had sought assistance from other than You in calamities and misfortune, and of which I was unaware, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma in zalla lisānī bis-su’āli lighayrika wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh Muħammadur-Rasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, if my tongue has slipped by asking other than You and I was unaware of it, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma mā šaluħa min shānī bifaļlika farā’ituhu min ghayrika wa lam āalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aqūlu lā ilāha ill-Allāh MuħammadurRasūlullāh (SWS).

O God, whatever was rectified in my affairs through Your Grace and I saw it coming from other than You, and I was unaware of it, I repent from it and say: There is no god except God, Muħammad (SWS) is the Prophet of God.

Allāhumma bi-ħaqqi lā ilāha ill-Allāh wa bi-izzatih

O God, by the right of lā ilāha ill-Allāh and its Might;

Wa bi-haqqi ’l-arshi wa azamatihih

And by the right of the Throne and its grandeur;

Wa bi-ħaqqi ’l-kursī wa saatih

And by the right of the Chair and its vastness;

Wa bi-ħaqqi ’l-qalami wa jariyatihi

And by the right of the Pen and its motion;

Wa bi-haqqi ’l-lawħi wa ħafazatih

And by the right of the Tablet and its preservation;

Wa bi-ħaqqi ’l-mīzāni wa khifatih

And by the right of the Scale and its accuracy;

Wa bi-ħaqqi ’š-Širāţi wa riqqatihi

And by the right of the Bridge and it narrowness;

Wa bi-ħaqqi Jibrīl wa amānatihi

And by the right of Jibrīl and his trust;

Wa bi-ħaqqi Riļwān wa jannatih

And by the right of Riļwān and his paradise;

Wa bi-ħaqqi Mālik wa zabānīyatih

And by the right of Mālik and his angels of punishment;

Wa bi-ħaqqi Mīkā’īl wa shafqatih

And by the right of Mīkāīl and his compassion;

Wa bi-ħaqqi Isrāfīl wa nafkhatih

And by the right of Isrāfīl and his blowing (of the Trumpet);

Wa bi-haqqi Azrā’īl wa qabļatih

And by the right of Azrāīl and his seizing (of the soul in death);

Wa bi-ħaqqi Ādam wa šafwatih

And by the right of Ādam and his purity;

Wa bi-haqqi Shuayb wa nubūwwatih

And by the right of Shuayb and his prophethood;

Wa bi-haqqi Nūħ wa safīnatih

And by the right of Nūħ and his vessel;

Wa bi-haqqi Ibrāhīm wa khullatih

And by the right of Ibrāhīm and his Friendship (to God);

Wa bi-haqqi Isħāq wa dīyānatih

And by the right of Isħaq and his belief;

Wa bi-haqqi Ismāīl wa fidyatih

And by the right of Ismāīl and his ransom;

Wa bi-ħaqqi Yūsuf wa ghurbatih

And by the right of Yūsuf and his estrangement;

Wa bi-haqqi Mūsā wa āyātih

And by the right of Mūsa and his signs;

Wa bi-haqqi Hārūn wa hurmatih

And by the right of Hārūn and his sanctity;

Wa bi-haqqi Hūd wa haybatih

And by the right of Hūd and his Veneration;

Wa bi-haqqi Šāliħ wa nāqatih

And by the right of Šāliħ and his she-camel;

Wa bi-haqqi Lūţ wa jīratih

And by the right of Lūţ and his guests;

Wa bi-haqqi Yūnus wa dawatih

And by the right of Yūnus and his invocation;

Wa bi-haqqi Dānyāl wa karāmatih

And by the right of Danyāl and his miracles;

Wa bi-haqqi Zakariyā wa ţahāratih

And by the right of Zakariyā and his purity;

Wa bi-haqqi Isā wa sīyāħatih

And by the right of Isa and his wandering;

Wa bi-haqqi sayyidinā Muħammadin (SWS) wa shafāatih

And by the right of Our Master Muħammad (SWS) and his Intercession;

An taghfir lanā wa li-wālidīynā wa li- ulamā’inā wa an tākhudha bi-yadī wa tutīyanī su’āli wa tubalighanī āmālī wa an tašrifa anī kulla man aādānī biraħmatika yā Arħamu ’r-Rāhimīn, wa taħfaznī min kulli sū’in, lā ilāha illa Anta, subħānaka innī kuntu min az- zālimīn.

That You forgive us, our parents and our scholars. And to take me by the hand and to grant me my asking and deliver me to my goals. And fend off all those who harm me, by Your mercy, O the Most Merciful of those who give mercy. And to protect me from every vice. There is no god except You, Glory be to You! Surely I have been a wrong-doer.

Yā Hayyu, yā Qayyūm. Lā ilāha illa Anta, yā Allāh, astāghfiruka wa atūbu ilayk. Fastajabnā lahu wa najaynāhu min al-ghamm wa kadhālika nanjī almu’minīn wa ħasbuna-llāhu wa nima ’l-wakīl ħasbī Allāhu lā ilāha illa hūwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa Hūwa rabbu ’l- Arshi ’l-Azīm wa lā ħawlah wa lā quwwata illa billāhi ’l-Azīm.

O Living, O Eternal there is no god except You. O Allāħ, I seek forgiveness in You and I turn to You, So We listened to him: and We delivered him from distress: and thus do We deliver those who have faith. God is enough for us, the best Disposer of affairs; God sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!” And there is no strength, nor power except by God, The High, The Mighty.

Wa šalla-Allāhu alā sayyidinā Muħammad wa alā ālihi wa šāħbihi wa sallim ajmāīn. subħānā rabbika rabbi ’l- Izzati amā yašifūn wa salāmun alā ’lmursalīn wa ’l-ħamdulillāhi rabbi ’l- ālamīn.

May God bless our master Muħammad (SWS), His Family and Companions altogether. Glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him! And Peace on the Messengers and all Praise is due to the Lord of the worlds.

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm. Allāhumma innī as’aluka bi mushāhadati asrāri ’l-muħibbīn wa bi ’l-khalwati ’llatī khašašta bihā sayyid al-mursalīn ħīna asrayta bihi laylat assābi wa ’l-ishrīn an tarħam qalbī al- ħazīn wa tujīb dawatī yā Akram alAkramīn yā Arħamar-Rāħimīn. Wa šalla-Allāhu alā sayyidinā Muħammadin wa alā ālihi wa šāħbihi wa sallim ajmāīn.

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O God, surely I beseech You by the witnessing of the secrets of the Lovers and the reclusion which you hath specified with the Master of Messengers when You raised Him on the Night of the 27th. And to pity by depressed heart and to answer my plea, O Most Generous of those who show generosity, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy. May God bless our master Muħammad, His Family and all his Companions and greet them with peace.

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm. Lā illāha ill-Allāh Muhammadu Rasūlullāh yā Rahmān yā Raħīm yā Mustaan yā Allāh yā Muħammad šalla-Allāhu alayhi wa sallam. Yā Abā Bakr, yā Umar, yā Uthmān, yā Alī, yā Hasan, yā Husayn, yā Yahyā; yā Halīm, yā Allāh, wa lā hawlah wa lā quwwata illa billāhi ’l-Aliyyi ’l-Azīm.

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. There is no god except God, Muhammad is the Messenger of God; O Merciful, O Beneficent One, O Mustaān, O God; O Muħammad peace and blessings be upon him. O Abū Bakr; O Umar; O Uthmān; O Alī; O Hasan; O Husayn; O Yaħyā; O Forbearing One, O God. There is no power and no strength save in God, AllHigh and Almighty.

Astaghfirullāh dhul-jalāli wa ’l-Ikrām min jamīi ’dh-dhunūb wa ’l-āthām. Āmīn.

I seek forgiveness in God, the Possessor of Majesty and Honor, from every sin and transgression. Ameen.

For the Honour of Maulana Shaykh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani, Maulana Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani ar-Rabbani (KS) and Sultan ul-Awliya Grandsheikh Abdullah ad-Dagestani (KS), Bir hurmati Habib Bir hurmati Anzalta Surat al-Fatiha.


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