Category: Islamic History

Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani – 24th Dec 2024


Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani (Tuesday 24 Dec 2024) Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani 13 AH (23rd August 634 AD)

Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS – (Shams’uddin) – URS 8th Jumada al-Awwal (8 Nov 2024)


Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS – (Shams’uddin) Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS (also known as Shams’uddin)  is known as the Rose of the Characteristics and Attributes of the Prophet SWS, the Furthest

Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS) – Jumada al-Awwal

Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Jumada al-Awwal Abdul Muttalib RA URS – the Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS), is in the month of Jumada al-Awwal, although the exact date is

Urs of Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi (RA) and Brief Biography – 22nd Rabi al-Thani – 2024


Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi (RA) – URS is 22nd Rabi al-Thani The Urs of Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi (RA) is on 22nd Rabi al-Thani (26th October  2024) inshallah. Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn

Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi (RA) – Brief Biography – URS 22nd Rabi al-Thani – (Part 2)


Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi RA – URS 22nd Rabi al-Thani Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi RA, the Urs  is on 22nd Rabi al-Thani (26 October 2024) inshallah. Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi 2024


Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi The account of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhum, is as follows: ”  Shaykh

Recitation of Salawat, especially in this blessed month of Rabi-ul Awwal

Imam Julzuli Maqam

Rabi ul-Awwal Mubarak! IMPORTANCE OF READING SALAWAT The introduction to Dalaail u’l Khayraat explains the importance of love for the Holy Prophet(SWS) and of recitation of Salawat on him. The

Sultan Mehmed II, Conquest of Constantinople (Islambol – Istanbul) – 20th Jumada al-Awwal – 29th May 1453

Sultan Mehmed II, Conquest of Constantinople, 571st anniversary – Gregorian Date 29th May 1453 Sultan Mehmed II (RA), conqueror of Constantinople to become Islambol and then later Istanbul. (Islambol (lots of

URS Sayyidina Hamza RA, Uncle of Holy Prophet, Peace & Blessings be Upon Him

URS Sayyidina Hamza RA – 7-15th Shawwal, Uncle of Holy Prophet, Peace & Blessings be Upon Him. Ḥamza b. ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (Arabic: حمزة بن عبدالمطّلب) (d. 3/625) titled as “Asad Allah”, “Asad Rasul

URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (SWS)-10th-11th Ramadan

URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RadiAllahuAn) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallim) URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy

Sayyidatina Fatima RA – URS Daughter of Holy Prophet (SWS)


Sayyidatina Fatima RA – URS Daughter of Holy Prophet (Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallim) Sayyidatina Fatima RA was born five years (20th Jumada al-Thani) before her father became a Prophet

Ramadan Mubarak- Pictures of Holy Prophet’s (Sal Allahu Alayhi was Sallim) house

Blessed Upcoming Month of Ramadan – pictures of the house of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allahu Alayhi was Sallim) Retrieved from old blogs and rare photo archive, here are the

Grandsheikh Abdullah al-faiz ad-Dagestani QS – URS 4th Ramadan-14th March 2024

Grandsheikh Sultan al-Awliya Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) URS 4th Ramadan , 14th March 2024 Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) is the Red Sulfur among the saints, the Crystal Lamp of

Jafar as-Sadiq RA – URS 15th Rajab – 26 January 2024


Jafar as-Sadiq RA – URS 15th Rajab (26 January 2024) Jafar as-Sadiq RA, the son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, son of al-Imam Zain al-Abidin (RA), son of al-Hussain (RA), son

Sheikh Abdullah ad-Daghestani’s (QS) Vision of Uwais al-Qarani (RadiAllah Anhu)


Vision of Uwais al-Qarani (RadiAllah Anhu) by Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) The story of the account of Sheikh Abdullah ad-Dagestani’s (QS) Vision of Uwais al-Qarani (RadiAllah Anhu): Our grandsheikh

Salman al-Farsi RA Prayers of Rajab by Holy Prophet (Sal Allah Alayhi Wa Sallim) – 2024

Salman al-Farsi RA Prayers of Rajab by Holy Prophet (Sal Allah Alayhi Wa Sallim) Salman al-Farsi RA Prayers of Rajab by Holy Prophet (Sal Allah Alayhi Wa Sallim). Salman al-Farsi

Sheikh Khwaja Sayyidd Moinuddin Hasan Chisti RA – URS 6th Rajab (17 January 2024)


Sheikh Khwaja Sayyid Moinuddin Hasan Chisti RA – URS 6th Rajab Sheikh Khwaja Sayyid Moinuddin Hasan Chisti RA – URS 6th Rajab. Sheikh Khwaja Sayyid Moinuddin Hasan Chisti (RA) (also

Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani QS – The Miraj (Night Journey of the Holy Prophet, Peace and blessings be upon them)

Sultan al-Awliya Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani QS – The Miraj The Red Sulfur among the saints, the Crystal Lamp of this Universe and its Foundation, he was supported by Steadfast

Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani – 4th Jan 2024


Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani (Thursday 4 Jan 2024) Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani 13 AH (23rd August 634 AD)

Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS – (Shams’uddin) – URS 8th Jumada al-Awwal (22 Nov 2023)


Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS – (Shams’uddin) Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS (also known as Shams’uddin)  is known as the Rose of the Characteristics and Attributes of the Prophet SWS, the Furthest

Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS) – Jumada al-Awwal

Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Jumada al-Awwal Abdul Muttalib RA URS – the Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS), is in the month of Jumada al-Awwal, although the exact date is

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi 2023


Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi The account of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhum, is as follows: ”  Shaykh

Recitation of Salawat, especially in this blessed month of Rabi-ul Awwal

Imam Julzuli Maqam

Rabi ul-Awwal Mubarak! IMPORTANCE OF READING SALAWAT The introduction to Dalaail u’l Khayraat explains the importance of love for the Holy Prophet(SWS) and of recitation of Salawat on him. The

Birth of the Holy Prophet (SWS)-Hajja Amina Adil (KS) extract-The Last Prophet (SWS)

Year of the elephant

Birth of the Holy Prophet (SWS) Extract account of the birth of the Holy Prophet (SWS) from The Last Prophet by Haji Amina Adil (KS): When the term was fulfilled

URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (SWS)-10th-11th Ramadan

URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RadiAllahuAn) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallim) URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy

Sayyidatina Fatima RA – URS Daughter of Holy Prophet (SWS)


Sayyidatina Fatima RA – URS Daughter of Holy Prophet (SWS) Sayyidatina Fatima RA was born five years (20th Jumada al-Thani) before her father became a Prophet (SWS) in this world.

Grandsheikh Abdullah al-faiz ad-Dagestani QS – URS 4th Ramadan-27th March 2023

Grandsheikh Sultan al-Awliya Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) URS 4th Ramadan , 27 March 2023 Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) is the Red Sulfur among the saints, the Crystal Lamp of

Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani QS – The Miraj (Night Journey of the Holy Prophet, Peace and blessings be upon them)

Sultan al-Awliya Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani QS – The Miraj The Red Sulfur among the saints, the Crystal Lamp of this Universe and its Foundation, he was supported by Steadfast

Salman al-Farsi RA Prayers of Rajab by Holy Prophet (Sal Allah Alayhi Wa Sallim) – 2023

Salman al-Farsi RA Prayers of Rajab by Holy Prophet (Sal Allah Alayhi Wa Sallim) Salman al-Farsi RA Prayers of Rajab by Holy Prophet (Sal Allah Alayhi Wa Sallim). Salman al-Farsi

Shaykh Abdullah ad-Daghestani’s (QS) Vision of Uwais al-Qarani (RadiAllah Anhu)


Vision of Uwais al-Qarani (RadiAllah Anhu) by Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) The story of the account of Sheikh Abdullah ad-Dagestani’s (QS) Vision of Uwais al-Qarani (RadiAllah Anhu): Our grandsheikh

Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani – 15th Jan 2023


Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani (Sunday 15 Jan 2023) Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RA – URS 22nd Jumada al-Thani 13 AH (23rd August 634 AD)

Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS – (Shams’uddin) – URS 8th Jumada al-Awwal (1st Dec 2022)


Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS – (Shams’uddin) Sayyid Amir al-Kulal KS (also known as Shams’uddin)  is known as the Rose of the Characteristics and Attributes of the Prophet SWS, the Furthest

Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS) – Jumada al-Awwal

Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Jumada al-Awwal Abdul Muttalib RA URS – the Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS), is in the month of Jumada al-Awwal, although the exact date is

Last Living Sahabi of Holy Prophet (Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallim)


Last Living Sahabi Tree – The Blessed Tree (Biqayawiya, Jordan) Last Living Sahabi – A living tree (Pistacia Atlantica) which sheltered the holy Prophet (SWS) when they were 12 years of age (approx

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) – Famous Caravan Journey and Accounts

SHEIKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI (RA) FAMOUS CARAVAN JOURNEY AND BANDITS After bidding farewell to his mother, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) joined a caravan, which was on its way to

Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi (RA) – Brief Biography – URS 22nd Rabi al-Thani – (Part 2)


Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi RA – URS 22nd Rabi al-Thani Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi RA, the Urs  is on 22nd Rabi al-Thani (16th November  2022) inshallah. Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Al-Arabi

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi 2022


Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Ibn Al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhi The account of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Connection with Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, Rahma Alayhum, is as follows: ”  Shaykh

Birth of the Holy Prophet (SWS)-Hajja Amina Adil (KS) extract-The Last Prophet (SWS)

Year of the elephant

Birth of the Holy Prophet (SWS) Extract account of the birth of the Holy Prophet (SWS) from The Last Prophet by Haji Amina Adil (KS): When the term was fulfilled

Recitation of Salawat, especially in this blessed month of Rabi-ul Awwal

Imam Julzuli Maqam

Rabi ul-Awwal Mubarak! IMPORTANCE OF READING SALAWAT The introduction to Dalaail u’l Khayraat explains the importance of love for the Holy Prophet(SWS) and of recitation of Salawat on him. The

Story by Abu Hanifa (RA) “Why do you think he is not a Muslim?” “Think Good of Believers!”

Story by Abu Hanifa and a man visiting him asking, is his neighbour a Muslim and should he pray Janazah prayer for him or not? “A man once came to

URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (SWS)-10th-11th Ramadan

URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (SWS) URS of Sayyidatina Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA) – beloved wife of Holy Prophet (SWS), 10th or

Sayyidatina Fatima RA – URS Daughter of Holy Prophet (SWS)


Sayyidatina Fatima RA – URS Daughter of Holy Prophet (SWS) (26th-27th April 2020) Sayyidatina Fatima RA was born five years (20th Jumada al-Thani) before her father became a Prophet (SWS)

Grandsheikh Abdullah al-faiz ad-Dagestani QS – URS 4th Ramadan-5th April 2022

Grandsheikh Sultan al-Awliya Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) URS 4th Ramadan , 5 April 2022 Grandsheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Dagestani (KS) is the Red Sulfur among the saints, the Crystal Lamp of